Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- D.A. Gregory, J. Nicks, J. Artigas-Arnaudas, M. Harris, J. A. Foster, P.J. Smith, “Reactive Inkjet printing of Metal Organic Frameworks for sensing applications”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, pp. 2300027,2023 (DOI)
- C.S. Taylor, M. Behbehani, A. Glen, P. Basnett, D.A. Gregory, B.B. Lukasiewicz,R. Nigmatullin, F. Claeyssens, I. Roy, J.W. Haycock, “Aligned Polyhydroxyalkanoate blend electrospun fibres as intraluminal guidance scaffolds for Peripheral Nerve Repair”, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2023 (DOI)
- W. Sun, D.A. Gregory, X. Zhao, “Designed peptide amphiphiles as scaffolds for tissue engineering”, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 314, pp 102866, 2023 (DOI) (IF 15.19)
- D.A. Gregory, A. Fricker, P.Mitrev, M. Ray, E. Asare, D. Sim, S. Larpnimitchai, Z. Zhang, J. Ma, I. Roy, “Additive Manufacturing of Polyhydroxyalkanoate-based blends using Fused Deposition Modelling for the development of biomedical devices”, Journal of Funct. Biomaterials, 14 (1), 40, 2023 (DOI), (Awarded Editor’s Choice)
- D.A. Gregory, C.S. Taylor, A. Fricker, E. Asare, S. Tetali, J.W. Haycock, I. Roy, “Polyhydroxyalkanoates and their advances for biomedical engineering applications”, Trends in Molecular Medicine (Cell Press), 2022,DOI (IF 15.27)
- P. Kumar, A. Legge, D.A. Gregory, A. Nichols, H. Jensen, S. Ebbens, “3D Printable Self-Propelling Sensors for in-the-Field Detection of Water Quality”, JCIS Open, 2022, pp 100044, DOI
- A. Kirvin, D.A. Gregory, A. Parnell, A. Campbell, S. Ebbens, “Rotating Ellipsoidal Catalytic Micro-Swimmers via Glancing Angle Evaporation”, Materials Advances 2021 DOI
- W. Sun; C. Taylor; Y. Zhang; D.A. Gregory; M. Tomeh; J. Haycock; P. Smith; F. Wang; Q. Xia, X. Zhao, “Cell Guidance on Peptide Micropatterned Silk Fibroin scaffolds”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021 DOI
- D.A. Gregory, L. Tripathi, A.T.R. Fricker, E. Asare, I. Orlando, V. Raghavendran, I. Roy, “Bacterial cellulose: A smart biomaterial with diverse applications”, Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports, 2021, DOI (IF 26.6)
- O. Nazanin, N. Mandakhbayar, D.A. Gregory, H. Kim, I. Roy, J.C. Knowles. “Mussel Inspired Chemistry and Bacteria Derived Polymers for Oral Mucosal Adhesion and Drug Delivery.” Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Vol. 9, p 336 ,2021, DOI
- W. Sun, D.A. Gregory, M. A. Tomeh and X. Zhao, “Silk Fibroin as a Functional Biomaterial for Tissue Engineering”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 22, Issue 3, Pages 1499, 2021, DOI
- Q. A. Majid, A.T.R. Fricker, D.A. Gregory, N. Davidenko, O. H. Cruz, R. J. Jabbour, T. J. Owen, P. Basnett, B. Lukasiewicz, M. Stevens, S. Best, R. Cameron, S. Sinha, Sian E. Harding, Ipsita Roy, “Natural Biomaterials for Cardiac Tissue Engineering: A Highly Biocompatible Solution,” vol. 7, 2020, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Med. 2020, DOI
- W. Sun, Y, Zhang, D.A. Gregory, A. Jimenez Franco, A. Tomeh, S. Lv, J. Wang, J. Haycock, X Zhao, “Patterning the neuronal cells via inkjet printing of self-assembled peptides on silk scaffolds” 2020, Progress in Natural Science: Materials Int., Vol. 30, Issue 5, P. 686-696, 2020, DOI
- D.A. Gregory, P. Kumar, A. Jimenez-Franco, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. J. Ebbens, X. Zhao, “RIJ and Propulsion Analysis of Silk-Based Self-Propelled Micro-stirrers”, JoVE, 2019; DOI: www.jove.com/video
- Y. Zhang, D.A. Gregory, Y. Zhang, P.J. Smith, S.J. Ebbens, X. Zhao, “RIJ of Functional Silk Stirrers for Enhanced Mixing and Sensing,” Small, 2019, vol. 15, no. 1, 1804213.DOI (IF 11.4)
- W. Song, D.A. Gregory, H. Al-janabi, M. Muthana, Z. Cai, and X. Zhao, “Magnetic-Silk/Polyethyleneimine Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Targeted Gene Delivery into Human Breast Cancer Cells,” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2019, vol. 555, pp 322-336. DOI
- W. Song, X. Su, D.A. Gregory, W. Li, Z. Cai, and X. Zhao, “Magnetic Alginate/Chitosan Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of Curcumin into Human Breast Cancer Cells,” Nanomaterials, 2018,vol. 8, p. 907. DOI
- S. J. Ebbens and D.A. Gregory, “Catalytic Janus Colloids: Controlling Trajectories of Chemical Microswimmers,” Accounts of Chemical Research, 2018,vol 51, no.9, pp 1931-1939. DOI (IF 21.7)
- D.A. Gregory and S. J. Ebbens, “Symmetrical Catalytically Active Colloids Collectively Induce Convective Flow,” Langmuir, 2018, vol. 34, no. 14, pp. 4307-4313. DOI
- D.A. Gregory, Y Zhang, P.J. Smith, X Zhao, S.J. Ebbens, “Reactive inkjet printing of biocompatible enzyme powered silk micro-rockets,” Small, 2016, vol. 12, no. 30, pp 4048 – 4055. DOI (IF 11.4)
- D.A. Gregory, A.I. Campbell, S.J. Ebbens, “Effect of Catalyst Distribution on Spherical Bubble Swimmer Trajectories,” J.Phys. Chem. C 2015, vol. 119, no.27, pp 15339-15348. DOI
- S.J. Ebbens, D.A. Gregory, G Dunderdale, et al. Electrokinetic effects in catalytic platinum-insulator Janus swimmers. EPL.2014, vol. 106, no.5, p 58003. DOI

Book Chapters
E. Asare, D.A. Gregory, A. Fricker, E. Marcello, A. Paxinou, C. S. Taylor, J. W. Haycock, I. Roy, The Handbook of Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Vol 3. Chapter 11, 2020 DOI
D.A. Gregory, Y. Zhang, S.J. Ebbens, X. Zhao, “Reactive Inkjet Printing of regenerated silk fibroin as a 3D scaffold for autonomous swimming devices (micro-rockets)” in Reactive Inkjet Printing, Eds: PJ. Smith and A. Morrin, Royal Soc. Chem., Cambridge, UK, July 2017; pp 169-201. DOI: 10.1039/9781788010511
S.J.Ebbens; J.Howse; R. Archer; D.A. Gregory; A.Campbell; G. Dunderdale, Soft, Hard, and Hybrid Janus Structures: Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Applications – Catalytic Janus Swimmers. In Soft, Hard, and Hybrid Janus Structures, World Scientific (Europe): 2017; pp 315-403. DOI: 10.1142/9781786343130_0008

Refereed Conference Papers
- Altering the bubble release of reactive inkjet printed silk micro-rockets,” D.A. Gregory, Y. Zhang, P.J. Smith, S.J. Ebbens, X. Zhao, Printing for Fabrication, Manchester, 12th-16th September 2016. www.ingentaconnect.com/art00112
- “Regenerated silk fibroin as an inkjet printable biomaterial,” Y. Zhang, D.A. Gregory, P.J. Smith, X. Zhao, Printing for Fabrication, Manchester, 12th-16th September 2016.